Texas O&G Jobs Grow By 2,035 Monthly Since Covid-Low

Texas upstream oil and gas sector has been adding 2,035 new jobs per month on average since the Covid-low point in September 2020.


The average growth rate in the Texas upstream oil and gas sector has hit 2,035 jobs per month since the Covid-low point in September of 2020.

This means that the industry has added 52,900 Texas upstream jobs over the period, with the months of increase in upstream oil and gas employment outnumbering the months of decrease by 23 to 3.

According to a recent report by Texas Oil and Gas Association (TXOGA), these jobs pay among the highest wages in Texas, with employers in oil and natural gas paying an average salary of approximately $109,000 in 2021.

Data released by the Texas Workforce Commission indicates that upstream oil and gas employment in Texas is experiencing continued growth, with the sector adding 2,600 jobs in November. Also notably, the job gain for October was revised upward to 3,100 from the original estimate of 2,800.

“Texas oil and natural gas producers adding jobs while continuing to help to meet our energy needs is a testament to the ingenuity, determination, and resiliency of this industry which fuels our modern way of life,” said Todd Staples, president of the Texas Oil & Gas Association. “Texans value the indispensable role that the oil and natural gas industry plays in our state’s economy, our budget and our communities.”

Oil and gas extraction is upstream activity, meaning that it excludes other sectors in the industry such as refining, petrochemicals, fuels wholesaling, oilfield equipment manufacturing, pipelines, and gas utilities.

The employment shown also includes “Support Activities for Mining”, which is mostly oil and gas-related but includes some small amount of other types of mining, also.

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